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David Walker
生于 United Kingdom
52 years
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We stayed in havelock place in the 80's ma dad was painting the living room,a walked in and took the dust sheets off the telly while he was still painting, he went mental and jumped doon off the ladder and kicked me and ended up breaking his toe it was always me getting into trouble great days ha ha
David Walker Jnr

It was Christmas day and I was 5 years old. I still remember this day as if it were yesterday.


My dad woke me up and I was allowed to go down stairs with my brother Gareth to open our presents. Stewart was only 1 so he was still too young to realise what was going on. I opened the living room door and there it was. I mini Chopper bike. I couldn't wait to get dressed and get out on it. I already had a little bike, with stabilisers on, but this new one did not have any.


Once we had opened all our presents and breakfast was past, my dad took me out on to Ruberslaw Road with my new bike. It had a high back on the seat so when I sat on the bike, my dad held on to the high part. He told me to peddle and he ran along side me letting go for a few seconds everytime. I was scared, but he kept on saying, everytime he let go for that split second, that I was riding the bike on my own without stabilisers. Then about an hour in, he let go for good and I was riding my bike on my own.


That was the Christmas day I learned to ride a bike. I owe that to my dad.


It's funny the things that stay in you head, isn't it.  

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